My Order
Q: How do I place an order with you?
A: Ordering with us is easy. Simply find the item you would like to order, and click 'add to cart'. Once you've finished adding the items you'd like to buy, click on 'checkout' and follow the on-screen instructions.
Q: What information will I need to provide?
Antwort: In order to complete checkout, you will need to provide your name, billing and delivery addresses. We'll also need an e-mail address in order to send order and dispatch confirmation e-mails, and a contact telephone number in case of courier queries.
Q: Which payment methods do you accept?
A: We accept most major credit and debit cards, with the exception of American Express. We also accept payments via PayPal.
Q: How do I know my payment information will be secure?
A: All payments are sent via a secure server using SSL encryption. At no point will your payment information be visible to anyone, and information such as card details will not be retained on our servers. You can verify this by checking the padlock in the top left-hand corner of the address bar.
Q: Will I receive confirmation of my order?
A: Yes. Once your order has successfully been placed, you will see an on-screen message confirming your order ID. We will also send an automatic e-mail confirmation, which will contain your order ID and all order details. You should check this carefully to ensure that everything is correct, and let us know immediately if there are any errors.
Q: I haven't received my order confirmation. What should I do?
A: Because they come from a company, our e-mails can sometimes be sifted into spam folders, so it's best to check your spam boxes first. If there's still nothing, please contact us with your order details (including order ID) and we will be pleased to assist.